A picture of California Farm Valentine’s Lamb Saddle Roast.

Hello, meet again with Arenatani, today we will share another recipe, namely California Farm Valentine’s Lamb Saddle Roast which is definitely very delicious and easy to make. The manufacturing process takes about and can be served for . In addition to being delicious and delicious, this food is suitable for serving to friends and family at home. Now, rather than being curious, let’s make the recipe. Before the manufacturing process, we first prepare the necessary ingredients, if there are ingredients that are not understood, please open Google, okay? Okay, here are the ingredients that need to be prepared.

Ingredients for California Farm Valentine’s Lamb Saddle Roast

  1. The roast:
  2. 1 Lamb saddle roast, 6 pounds
  3. 2 Tbs leek confit oil
  4. 1 pinch Very freshly ground black Pepper
  5. 1 pinch Flaked Madon seasalt
  6. The sausages:
  7. 1/2 pound ground lamb
  8. 1 Sprig sage
  9. 1 Sprig thyme
  10. 1 Dash saffron
  11. 2 Tbs cold unsalted butter
  12. 1/3 cup sherry vinegar
  13. 1/3 cup water
  14. The appetizer:
  15. 2 Avocados
  16. 1 Shallot
  17. 4 Tbs peeled shrimp
  18. 2 Tbs fresh Mayo
  19. 1 Dash Pepper, salt, mozambi lime juice
  20. The soup:
  21. 2 cups Chicken broth consommee
  22. 2 Tbs sherry wine
  23. The salad:
  24. 4 avocados

    California Farm Fresh Fruit Salad

  25. 4 butter lettuce leaves
  26. 4 slices sweet paprika
  27. 4 slices button mushrooms
  28. 4 slices fresh mango
  29. 4 slices roma tomato
  30. 4 Tsp habanero pepper sauce
  31. The leeks confit:
  32. 4 fresh leeks, white parts with 1” green top
  33. 1 cup canola oil
  34. 1 cup olive oil
  35. 1 dried bay leaf
  36. 1 Tsp dried thyme
  37. 3 cloves garlic
  38. 1 Tsp black peppercorns
  39. 1 Tsp flaked seasalt
  40. 2 star anise pods
  41. 1 teaspoon fennel seeds
  42. 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  43. 1 teaspoon black mustard seeds
  44. The dessert:
  45. Tarte Tatin Apple pie

    California Farm Tarte Tatin Apple Pie

  46. Equipment: large cast iron skillet, small cast iron saucepan, oven roasting pan, foil, mason jar for leek confit storage, long and short carving knife, 8” deep apple pie springform
  47. Cost: lamb roast farm free or $10/pound at the market, ground lamb $3, leeks $2, mango $1, avocados $2, shrimp $4, broth $1, apple pie $4, cherries $2, other $2, dinner per person $10, plus stew
Note: Now that the ingredients are ready, it’s time to try making it. We have prepared the steps in detail below. Make sure you follow them properly and correctly so that no mistakes occur.

Cooking Instructions for making California Farm Valentine’s Lamb Saddle Roast

  • 1

    Place the Valentine Camelia flowers on the dinner table

  • 2

    Make the avocado shrimp appetizer from ripe avocado halves. Mix fresh peeled shirmp with mayo, shallot, lime juice, flaked seasalt, ground pepper, stuff avocado halves, serve.

  • 3

    Make the chicken broth with sherry wine : heat chicken consommee, add Tbs sherry wine per cup, serve.

    California Farm Cornish Chicken Consommé for 2

  • 4

    Make the avocado fruit salad with avocado slices on butterleaf lettuce, sweet paprika rings, sliced roma tomatoess, green onion snippets, mango slices, button mushroom slices, slivered fresh basil leaf and meyer lemon juice.

    California Farm Fresh Fruit Salad

  • 5

    Make the leek oil confit. Keep oil confits sterile, they will last forever. Wash and trim leek, use white part with 1” green trim only. Put in mason jar, top with 1” of oilmix. Make leek soup with leftover green parts. Slice white part lengthwise, stuff in mason jar. Add spices, cover with oil mix, bake 1 1/2 hour at 375F degrees, cool, store in mason jar. Make sure leeks are not exposed to air in jar, by adding oil to jar if needed.

    California Farm Winter Leek and Smoked Sausage Soup

  • 6

    Mix half a pound of ground lamb with chopped onion, saffron, pepper, salt, make 4 sausages, slice on the diagonal. Sear the lamb koobideh sausages with leek confit oil in cast iron pan. Sautee one minute together with the leek confit pieces. Add sage, add thyme, sautee another minute. Deglaze the pan with sherry vinegar and water. Swirl sausage and leek in cold butter and glaze till melted. Pour over leeks and sausages.

    California Farm Koobideh Kebab

  • 7

    Make the crackling crust. Crisscross the fatcap on the meat. Rub saddle with leek confit oil and very freshly ground black pepper. Broil 15 minutes at 500F degrees in a large oven roasting pan, crisscrossed side up. Take out baking tray, pour off the fat and save, flip meat with tenderloins up. Bake at 250 F degrees, cook till internal temperature is 135F degrees at medium. Estimate half an hour per pound for cooking, 3 hours total. Rest ten minutes.

  • 8

    The tenderloins are on the bottom on each side of the saddle. The steaks are on the top. When cooked, trim and serve.

  • 9

    Place sausage and leek on center plate. Use long and short carving knife. Carve roasted lamb saddle on its back along the center bone with the short knife, then fold meat back, then use long knife to carve and serve the tenderloins in slices. Place slices on top of leek and sausage.

  • 10

    Heat the cherries and syrup in sauce pan to room temperature. Use to decorate around the lamb. Serve dinner.

  • 11

    Make tarte tatin apple pie. Slice apples horizontally 1/4” thick, peel on. Bake upside down. Butter, brown sugar, to make caramel base. Apple slices on top. Filo dough on top to seal with butter.

    California Farm Tarte Tatin Apple Pie

  • 12

    Use the leftover lamb bones and fat to make leftover lamb stew with smokey beans in the dutch oven.

    California Farm Leftover Lamb and Bone with Smokey Beans

  • Well, that’s the recipe for California Farm Valentine’s Lamb Saddle Roast that we’ve discussed together. How about it? It’s easy to make, right? Now it’s time for you to get creative in the kitchen and create your own version of California Farm Valentine’s Lamb Saddle Roast. Don’t forget to share the results on social media. I’m really curious about your creations! Who knows, your recipe could be an inspiration for future recipes. Good luck and enjoy!