A picture of Spicy cucumber appetizer.

Hello, meet again with Arenatani, today we will share another recipe, namely Spicy cucumber appetizer which is definitely very delicious and easy to make. The manufacturing process takes about 30 min + and can be served for 4+. In addition to being delicious and delicious, this food is suitable for serving to friends and family at home. Now, rather than being curious, let’s make the recipe. Before the manufacturing process, we first prepare the necessary ingredients, if there are ingredients that are not understood, please open Google, okay? Okay, here are the ingredients that need to be prepared.

Ingredients for Spicy cucumber appetizer

  1. 2 medium cucumbers
  2. 1 tbsp sugar
  3. 1 chili pepper
  4. 5-7 garlic cloves
  5. a few green onions
  6. 1 tbsp sesame
  7. 5-8 tbsp vegetable oil
  8. 3-4 tbsp soy sauce
  9. 1-2 tsp oyster sauce
  10. 3-4 tbsp rice vinegar
  11. salt to taste
  12. 1-2 tbsp peanuts
Note: Now that the ingredients are ready, it’s time to try making it. We have prepared the steps in detail below. Make sure you follow them properly and correctly so that no mistakes occur.

Cooking Instructions for making Spicy cucumber appetizer

  • 1

    Cucumbers cut into thick slices or sticks. Pour into a container suitable for marinating. Pour in 2/3 of the sugar. When the cucumbers start up the juice, drain it.

    Огурцы нарезать толстыми ломтиками или брусочками. Выложить в удобную для маринования ёмкость. Всыпать 2/3 сахара. Когда огурцы пустят сок, слить его.

  • 2

    Grate the garlic on a fine grater. Place in a mixing container. Add chopped chile peppers, green onions and sesame seeds.

    Чеснок натереть на мелкой тёрке. Поместить в удобную для смешивания ёмкость. Добавить нарезанный кольцами перец Чили, зелёный лук и кунжут.

  • 3

    Pour hot vegetable oil over onion, garlic and pepper. Add soy and oyster sauces and vinegar. Mix. Try. Add salt if necessary.

    Раскаленное растительное масло влить к луку, чесноку и перцу. Добавить соевый и устричный соусы и уксус. Перемешать. Попробовать. Если необходимо добавить соль.

  • 4

    Peanuts chopped with a knife, fry in a dry frying pan, less than a minute. It instantly turns red.

    Измельченный ножом арахис, обжарить на сухой сковороде, меньше минуты. Он моментально становится румяным.

  • 5

    Pour cucumbers with marinade. Pour in the peanuts. Mix gently. Close the lid and refrigerate at least overnight.

    Залить маринадом огурцы. Всыпать арахис. Аккуратно перемешать. Закрыть крышкой и поставить в холодильник минимум на ночь.

  • 6

    After a few days, in the refrigerator, cucumbers become a wonderful, amber color.

    Через несколько дней, в холодильнике, огурцы становятся чудесного, янтарного цвета.

  • Well, that’s the recipe for Spicy cucumber appetizer that we’ve discussed together. How about it? It’s easy to make, right? Now it’s time for you to get creative in the kitchen and create your own version of Spicy cucumber appetizer. Don’t forget to share the results on social media. I’m really curious about your creations! Who knows, your recipe could be an inspiration for future recipes. Good luck and enjoy!