A picture of ★ Bread made from raw rice★.

Hello, meet again with Arenatani, today we will share another recipe, namely ★ Bread made from raw rice★ which is definitely very delicious and easy to make. The manufacturing process takes about and can be served for . In addition to being delicious and delicious, this food is suitable for serving to friends and family at home. Now, rather than being curious, let’s make the recipe. Before the manufacturing process, we first prepare the necessary ingredients, if there are ingredients that are not understood, please open Google, okay? Okay, here are the ingredients that need to be prepared.

Ingredients for ★ Bread made from raw rice★

  1. 6 sausages (8 cm)
  2. 120 g rice
  3. 5 g rice oil
  4. 4 g sugar
  5. 2 g salt
  6. 85 cc lukewarm water
  7. 2 g yeast
  8. 3.5 g psyllium hus
Note: Now that the ingredients are ready, it’s time to try making it. We have prepared the steps in detail below. Make sure you follow them properly and correctly so that no mistakes occur.

Cooking Instructions for making ★ Bread made from raw rice★

  • 1

    Soak the rice in water overnight, then drain and let sit for 30 minutes.

  • 2

    Blend the softened rice, rice oil, sugar, salt and lukewarm water in a blender.

  • 3

    Transfer the rice from the mixer to a bowl, add the yeast and mix.

  • 4

    Then add the psyllium husk and mix. When you add the psyllium, it will harden, so knead it well to make a lump.

    Cover with plastic wrap to prevent drying, and leave to ferment for 20 minutes at 35℃. If possible, it is better to have some humidity.

  • 5

    Divide into 6 pieces and roll each into a 25cm string. It will be easier to work with this if you oil your hands.

  • 6

    Place the sausage on top of the rolled out rice dough and wrap the dough around the sausage.

    For best results, roll the sausage on the dough instead of rolling the dough.

  • 7

    Spray with water and bake at 230℃ for about 13 minutes.

  • Well, that’s the recipe for ★ Bread made from raw rice★ that we’ve discussed together. How about it? It’s easy to make, right? Now it’s time for you to get creative in the kitchen and create your own version of ★ Bread made from raw rice★. Don’t forget to share the results on social media. I’m really curious about your creations! Who knows, your recipe could be an inspiration for future recipes. Good luck and enjoy!